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2024/7/23 Announcement for the BOD meeting date of 2024Q2 Consolidated Financial Reports
Competitive Advantages
Competitive Advantages
Comprehensive product lines, sound financial structures, worldwide strategies, enthusiastic service teams, and an organized management system.
Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure
Audix headquarter is located at Neihu Industrial Park. The number of employees in the Group exceeds 7,000. At this time, Audix group consists of 18 affiliated companies.
Due to excellent services provided by Audix, and continuous supports and credits from the customers, Audix’s financial structure is therefore healthy and thus the 5-year debt ratio is as low as 36%.
Parent Company Structure
Parent Company Structure
In order to provide quality services manifesting We are where the customers are!”, Audix established various service locations to provide the best services to clients.
Address:No.8, Lane 120, Sec.1, Nei Hu Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C  Tel:+886-2-8797-6688  Fax:+886-2-2659-7116 Copyrights © Audix Corporation
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